كريمة فتح الرحمن تكتب عن اعتقالها في السودان
تم اعتقالي من احدي المظاهرات في شوارع الخرطوم مع زميلي مصور وصديقتي صحفية وذلك بعد مطاردة بالعربية ادت بنا الي حادث مريع ادي الي تدمير عربت زميلي المصور تم انزلونا من العربية بعنف مع الضرب في الوجة والراس وكل اجزاء الجسم بالايدي والهراوات ثم تم رفعنا في عربية بوكس وامرونا ان نستلقي في ارضية العربة على وجوهنا وان لا نفتح اعيننا ، واصلو في ضربنا اثناء ترحيلنا الى مكاتب الامن تم اخذوا الموبايلات ومفاتيح العربية وكل ما كان بحوزتنا - والتي لمن تكن معلومة بالنسبة لي نسبة لاني مستلقية على وجهي في العربة، عند وصولنا الى مكاتب الامن امرونا الا نفتح اعيننا وتم انزالنا من العربة بعنف ايضا مع الضرب بالايدي والهراوات بالاضافة الى الاهانات اللفظية خاصة بالنسبة الينا نحن النساء من كوننا عديمين الادب وليس لدينا اهل وانحنا صعاليق مع النظر الى وجهنا وتكرار جملة - واللة بنات ناس المركم للمظاهرات شنو
تم ادخال زميلي الي مكان مختلف وقادوني انا وصديقتي الصحفية الي زقاق خلفي حيث امرونا بالجلوس على الارض مع وضع الوجة على الحيطة ثم تم استدعائنا لتحقيق مرتين حيث اكدو على انهم مراقبين تلفوناتنا والفيسبوك ومن ثم تم ترحيلنا بعد ساعتين الي مكاتب الامن السياسي بشارع الجامعة مع مجموعة اخري من المعتقلين من مناطق اخري حوالي الساعة 11 مسا حيث مكثنا في الكراسي بعد انضمام بعض المعتقلات لنا هناك حتي الساعة الثالثة من ظهر اليوم التالي حيث بداو التحقيق معنا حيث كانت اهم اسالت التحقيق قبيلتك شنو واهلك من وين ومزوجة ولا لا بالاضافة طبعا للاسئلة حول المظاهرة وتواجدنا في الشارع مع الكثير من الكلام المهين والاسئلة الشخصية مثلا سالوني لي انت ما محننة بعد ذلك اجبروني على ان اعطيهم حسابي في الفيسبوك والباسورد بتاعتي وكل ايميلاتي
بعد التحقيق مكسنا ننتظر حتي الساعة الثامنة بعدها جاء احدهم واعطانا موبايل للاتصال بالاهل للحضور لاستلامنا تم وقعت على تعهد الا اشارك في اي مظاهرة احتجاجية ولم يردو لي موبايلي بحجة انهم يريدو فحص الارقام ووالرسائل والمكالمات
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كدمات نتيجة الضرب العنيف |
Kareema Fatah el Rahman writes her testimony on her detention
i was arrested in one of the protests in Khartoum streets, along with two colleagues a female journalist and a male photographer. they chased us by the car and that lead to a horrible car accident and the car of my photographer colleague was damaged.
they grabbed us from the car in a very violent way, they were beating us on the head and on the face and elsewhere in the body by hands and by batons and their hands. then they took us to the police vehicle, and the ordered us to lay on the floors, faces to the floor and not to open our eyes. they continued beating up through the journey of transmitting us to the security offices.
they took our keys, mobile phone and every thing we posses, i even did not know what exactly they took because i was not allowed to look.
when we arrived to the security offices, they order us to keep our eyes closed and they moved
continuous beating with hands and batons, in addition to the verbal violence especially
to us as women, that we are not modest women, we are trash, and we do not have
families. They were looking to us and saying " ladies never protests
" . our male colleague was taken to another place and they took me and my
female colleague to an alley. They ordered us to set down and to face the wall
. they interrogated us twice and they told us that they are monitoring our
phones and Face Book accounts . then they transferred us the political security
bureaus in the University street with other detainees from other districts .
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Bruises as result of the brutal beating |
around 11 pm. When we were seated on chairs, when other female detainees joined
us, we stayed there till 3pm of the next day.
They interrogated us, the main questions were what is your tribe, where
do you come from, are you married and questions about the protest and being in
the street . they insulted us a lot and many personal questions like why do not
you have Henna? And they forced me to
give them my Face Book and emails pass words
After the interrogation we stayed till 8 pm, then a person came and
gave as a mobile phone to call or folks to come to escort us. We signed a plea
that we will not participated in an y protest . they did not give me my mobile
back, by the pretext that they will check the numbers, calls and the text
messages .us from the vechile harshly
No one has the right to treat any human like this... I got the chance to meet Karima in one of the meetings in Cairo in 2010, and she is an amazing person, still i believe that this case is not only about Karima, there are many voices Karima is holding and speaking on their behalf..
The injustice in speaking loudly our opinions should not be arrested...
No Freedom without huge price , So I hope what is happened for you , be the last bad thing .
And be sure that everyone like you will win in the end , whatever happened .
salute to Kareema and all Sudanese women who showed bravery that surpassed NISS' agents
I salute you and all the protesters who put their lives on the line for us and for a better Sudan. You are the true heroes.
la7awla wala quwata illa billah what she went through is horrific, and what others go through at the hands of NISS is worse than we can imagine. I salute her and all other who put their lives at risk to fight for our freedom, and pray for the safety and release of all detainees.
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